Kid Focused, & On a Mission

At educating AMY, every book sold helps build schools and sponsor education for children without opportunities around the world. With your purchases, you have gifted hope to children in need of education to further their quality of life and that of their families. We plan on expanding education opportunities in countries all over the world in the future.


Currently, Educating AMY is focusing on developing girl's schools in rural areas of India. Why did we start here? Well, many families live in poverty inside of the more remote spaces of India. Because they struggle with income, many cannot afford to send all of their children to schools and are forced to choose which of their children will receive schooling. This choice is influenced by several factors, including:

1. How much help does the family need to retain at home (help on a farm, taking care of younger children, etc.).

2. The availability of jobs that require education in the area.

3. Stigmas surrounding women and the workforce.

Many jobs that require education also hire more men than women in the rural areas of India. Preference is given to men often due to the understanding that men are usually the primary earners of their families in most of India and stigmatization towards female workers as they believe they are less capable. Knowing this, families often choose to educate their sons so they have a better chance of elevating their quality of life.

Also, families in rural India often require the help of their children to run the home, family, and even farms. They often have their daughters stay at home to fill in this gap for reasons already outlined above. Often, helping in the home with cooking, cleaning, and raising the children is considered the necessary education needed for girls in these areas. There is a large emphasis on traditional roles. While a man is expected to be an earner for the family, women are generally meant to become good mothers and wives. Unfortunately, some believe that their daughters can only help the family by staying at home to assist in chores until they become married and run their own families.

Furthermore, this has led to some sad practices such as marrying child brides as girls tend to be more of a financial burden in the eyes of families who are too desperate to house and care for them into adulthood.

At Educating AMY, we aim to address the issues that keep girls away from education. By providing schools and sponsoring education, we remove the financial burden on families to educate their daughters. If the family does not have to pay for the education, they are much more likely to send their daughters to school as it only increases the likelihood it will increase the quality of life for them and their families when there is no financial burden. 

Also, by providing more education, we are trying to help normalize an educated, female workforce, slowly opening up more jobs to women workers and making it clear to families that it is financially beneficial to send your daughters to school as well as your sons. Lastly, by educating girls in these more rural areas, we are keeping each girl from becoming a bride until she at least completes her education, lessening the number of child brides every year.

So, we want to thank you. Thank you for making a positive difference for girls and their families in need. We're just getting started and we appreciate that you are a part of the journey with us.